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  • Writer's pictureGeorge Hulbert

MBIE Broader Outcomes weightings rise to 20%

For anyone doubting the rise and rise of the Broader Outcomes in NZ procurement, you only have to see the latest All of Government RFPs to see that that the Broader Outcomes are now weighted at 20% of the overall non-price total mark.

The significance of this (and other details in the RFP) for any organisation looking to bid for NZ Government work is that:

  1. Emphasis on social procurement is strengthening, not flattening or dropping

  2. You need to be thinking more than ever about not just what your organisation is doing to reduce carbon emissions and waste, but to know more and more also about what your supply chain is doing in this area too

  3. Measurement of what you do and how you are progressing is increasingly important

  4. How you include local businesses and products in your offer needs to be specific, increasing, and overt.

The question we ask is this: Do you want to wait until tender time to discover that you have work to do to improve your organisation's performance in these areas?

The time to create structure, initiatives, action and evidence is now.

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